
Innopet City Hopper Review

Posted by May ,Apr 05, 2024
Innopet City Hopper Review

Innopet City Hopper Review

Life is a journey. And I am walking with you every step of the way.” Even if it means using a stroller.

Don’t worry, I am ok. Mum was just trying out our InnoPet® City Hopper Dog Pram.

It’s a perfect size for me.

We once had the larger Innopet® Buggy Comfort (Air) which fitted the two of us.

Mum got it for going to places where dogs had to be carried eg. Bicester Village, Selfridges, etc. ? You can borrow a buggy, like we did, at Bicester Village but they were not always available.

The dog buggy wasn’t always for frivolous reasons like going shopping. When I unexpectedly had a torn cruciate ligament, I needed an operation. For weeks, I wasn’t allowed to put weight on my leg. The buggy was a life saver. It meant I could still go places with Mum and Darcy.

When it was Darcy’s turn to use the buggy, sadly, it wasn’t exactly a “life saver”. Darcy grew weaker by the day in her last three weeks. As we live in a London flat without a garden, Mum needed to take us both out for our toilet needs several times each day. She couldn’t carry Darcy and walk me at the same time. The stroller became an essential part of our daily lives.

These were the sad reasons why we do need a buggy. But there are other practical reasons.

May’s comment: I bought a dog buggy because it gave me more opportunities to go shopping with my dogs. But how glad I was to have it ready for when we needed it for unexpected reasons.

Dog buggies are not “a baby pram”. They are a larger carrier or a crate on wheels for transporting pets who may also need mobile assistance. There are many reasons why dog buggies become essentials.

  • Elderly dogs – Older dogs may not be able to move around like they used to.
  • Injured dogs – Dogs that have been hurt may need time to recuperate.
  • Paralysed dogs – A dog buggy can help your paralyzed dog enjoy outings again.
  • Sick dogs – Dogs that are sick may be too weak or tired to move well.
  • Rescued dogs – If you’re fostering or adopting a dog from a bad situation, a stroller can help these bruised souls feel safe.
  • Dogs with heartworm – Dogs who have been diagnosed with heartworm have to be inactive for months to prevent damage to their organs.
  • Dogs with hip dysplasia – Dogs with hip and elbow dysplasia are often big dogs that have lived an active life.
  • Post surgery – Dogs that need to recuperate from surgery but still able to enjoy the outdoors.

When Pets Own Us asked if we would like to trial an InnoPet® City Hopper Dog Pram I did not hesitate. I needed a smaller buggy for George.

This buggy is super compact and extremely lightweight, making it suitable for any trip.

The cabin opens on both sides and can be easily disassembled from the frame so that I can use it in a car or on the train, for example.

There are two locking clips to hold it in place in the car. Though it is too large for in-cabin flights.

It has a height adjustable bar, it moves easily and also folds nicely. And we hope to go to many happy places with it.

Previously we had the Innopet® Buggy Comfort (Air) Dog Pram. This is an ideal pet stroller for medium dogs or two smaller best buddies. In our case – a medium dog and a small dog.

There is also storage space for treats, toys and even a cup holder. There are 2 leashes inside of the carrier to secure your dog(s). The front bar of the cabin conveniently folds down, allowing them to happily watch the world go by as you push them along. The 12″ Air tyres offer excellent traction for all terrain adventures, particularly suited to the beach and soft sand. A smooth ride is guaranteed thanks to the AIR tyres.

Both models of Innopet® Buggy and a wide range of buggies are available at Pets Own Us.

Whenever I see a dog buggy, I presume the dog inside is old or it is ill. But there are other reasons for using a buggy. I for one use it for convenience when I need to run errands and they require dogs to be in a carrier – and I push my wheelies with George riding happily in it.

We never feature products we wouldn’t use ourselves. In this case, we absolutely love The City Hopper and will definitely be using it – very happily.

We also had fun making the video for Instagram with help from Anne and Skylar.

My acting? Questionable. Anne’s direction? Exaggerated! I told her to make it look like I was walking up a hill, not a mountain. LOL!



My name is May. I am used to change and upheavals in life. I have moved countries, continents and corporate jobs and adapted to each situation with ease and fluidity. But when an eleven week old apricot coloured cockapoo arrived at my home on 16th May 2011, from that moment on, I had no idea what hit me. My daily living changed significantly – forever!

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